Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nadia... getting so big!

She can sit on a swing like a big person. She isn't afraid to swing, either.
She is learning to talk. The other day when Mom was calling Allison for something, Nadia was hollering, "Ayee! Ayee!" And whenever she wants something, no matter who's around, she calls, "Emy!" and Emily answers from wherever she is in the house.

She can say "Wan' it!" or "Need!" If she's hungry she'll dig through the cupboards and find crackers or applesauce cups.

In her eyes, she's an adult. But she still needs us. When she is angry she will push us away and hold on at the same time.

I used to think Nadia was annoying. It seemed like she was always whining or getting in the way. But when we started schoolwork, we made a schedule of who takes care of her when. This way she is never left to make mischief, so when we are doing something else we don't have to worry about her, and when we are taking care of her we're not doing anything else and we can just have fun with her. When I take the three little ones outside I am glad Nadia is a girl because even at her age she likes girly-er things than the boys.
Love you, Nadia!


Carmen said...

Oh, she's so cute and yummy. And full of character. What a girl!

Anonymous said...

You sure have a cute sister!

Belinda said...

Nadia is sure a sweetie, with a beautiful name! (: