Friday, October 29, 2010

This and That

Gavin lost a tooth! He must have worked on it a lot, because it went from slightly wiggly to almost ready to fall out, in a few days.

Brent isn't signing peace here. He was talking about two police cars. The boys were playing trucks and cars on the living room floor and I came and took pictures of them.

John Deere tractor pulling 1964 Chevy pickup

When I go outside with the little ones, they like me to tell them stories. Some of their favourites are "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". Today I told them stories from real life, like what I can remember from the day they were born or about when we moved four years ago.

Warren and Brent can read well enough to read aloud now. Brent read "Little Red Riding Hood" and then Warren read "The Gingerbread Man".

This red balloon is supposed to be a heart. But as it turned out more like a round thing with ears, someone drew a pig face on it.

Warren and our new puppy, Casper. The puppy showed up at an empty house around the corner from us. The owners were selling the house and didn't want a puppy around. So now he's ours. He quickly learned to love Warren, who spends the most time with him. When Warren comes outside, Casper gets all excited and starts jumping around.

Nadia loves the dog, but Thomas is still afraid of him. There is one good thing, though. Thomas was scared of the neighbours' dog, which is smaller, but now he doesn't mind it because Casper is so much bigger.


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