Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pictures and such

This morning dawned clear and frosty. The hoarfrost on the trees was sparkling - but the camera didn't catch that.

This afternoon the temperature was -10 C, but the windchill was a good deal colder. However, it was bright and sunny and we went outside.

This is Gavin's snowfort. He is lying in front, Thomas is peeking out one door, and Warren is sitting on the "chimney". On the other side of Warren is another door. There are two more doors on the other side.
The inside of a tunnel... It is small but protected from the wind.

The weather is very cold. I like the cold, once I'm out anyway. Getting out isn't fun. Recently we have been watching some episodes of Planet Earth, and the scenes of spring and summer are reminding me that soon it will be warm enough to open windows and run outside without a coat. Cold and snow are fun, but staying out for a long time gets really cold, so we aren't outside as often at this time of year. Going outside is necessary for the sake of the puppy, though, and I am sure he will be glad when spring comes again and his companions are outside more.

Here are a couple pictures I took as the sun was going down. The days are getting longer. Today we ate supper early, and didn't need the light on. I love having more daylight. It is more cheerful, especially on sunny days when the light reflects off the snow. Isn't it great that the snow comes at the darkest part of the year, to brighten everything? I think it is a blessing from God. Do you ever think of how He works even the smallest details for good? He designed things so that even the side effects are good.



Emily said...

I like the pictures! I especially like pictures #4 & 5.

We have the Planet Earth series as well. I love the quality of the footage. It's so well done. But we don't like the "Evolution" parts. :-)

Have a good weekend!


scott+jenk said...
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jen said...

The snow is very beautiful - how wonderful to think of it as a bright blessing in such a cold time of year! Very nice pictures! :O)