Monday, September 27, 2010


Last Friday we made applesauce with apples from our own tree.

Here are the apples in a box, waiting for the process to begin.

The apples had to be peeled because of the holes and scabs. Here are Emily, Meghan, and Leah peeling and chopping at the kitchen table.

Apples, cut up, almost ready for cooking.

Apples simmering on the stove. I love the smell of cooking apples.

Applesauce in jars - waiting for the canner to be ready.

End product: 14 jars of applesauce and a table full of peels.



Heather said...

That's a lot of peels! So much fun doing it with sisters though, eh?! We hope to make some applesauce soon too!

jennstar said...

Good work! It's always such an awarding feeling when you get to look at your finished product in the end whether it's been baking bread, cookies, and muffins, or doing a craft...

Lynnette VD said...

Wow that is ALOT of peels!! I love making applesause during this time of year!! This post makes me want to make it today - maybe when I get home from work...